Wednesday, August 23, 2017

I am very excited to get into my 10th grade year. During the summer I was nervous but then I realized that 9th grade was easy and I didn't have a problem to worry about.

Monday, August 21, 2017

The 9 ways to be happy and make something of your life
Image result for gordon b hinckley
Gordon B. Hinckley

  1. Be Grateful
I believe it is important to be grateful because if you are grateful to others, others will do the same to you. being grateful can open doors to success in the future. Being grateful can help you succeed in life. Being grateful shows that you are a very kind and reliable person. If people see this in you, they might want you to stick around in their life because in the future they might need someone like you. You are very lucky that you have a home, have food on the table, and have loving parents that really care for you, so you should always be grateful for those things. There are people who have nothing and are living on the street asking for money. So you should be very lucky you have all these things. There are times where you parents can't afford name brand stuff but you should always thank them for at least buying you something. Being grateful is not all about the clothes you have on your back or the shoes you have on your feet it is also about being thankful that you woke up to see another day. there is quote that i like and that is, " When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to breathe to think. To enjoy. To love.'' -Marcus Aurelius. this quote a huge impact on my life because everyday i thank god that i am alive.

Image result for quotes about being smart and wise   2. Be Smart

It is important to be smart because you can have knowledge that you might use in the future. You may know things that are useful in a certain situation. There are things that you may know that other people may not. When there a bad situation you should be smart and handle the problem correctly. For example, if your friend tells you to smoke, you should be smart and say no. Being smart shows other people what kind of person you are. If you are smart, you can teach other people what you have learned. being smart helps you see things clearer than others. One who is smart can usually also continually grow to master multiple subjects. You can analyze the subject and build more skill. There is a quote by Albert Einstein that i really like, and that is , " A clever person solves a problem. A wise person avoids it. I really like this quote because it tells us that it is good to be smart but it also is good to be wise.

3. Be Involved
Image result for involvement

I believe it is important to be involved because it shows that you are a caring person and love to get involved and do what other people do.It shows that you love to work. It is good to be involved because when you are trying get into a college or university, it shows up on your application. Getting involved makes people look at you differently and will look for you when they need something. You will be the first person they call.

4. Be clean

Being clean does not mean having a clean body, it is about having a positive attitude and to think positively. You should not think of bad things like curse words. Being clean opens a lot of opportunities.

5. Be True

Image result for be trueIt is important to be true because if you are true it shows that you are a honest and care giving person. You should always be honest and trustworthy toward yourself and others. When you are being true to yourself, you are completely honest with what you feel, deeply value, and desire. It also means communicating your feelings wholeheartedly both with yourself and others, allowing your truth to flow through you and into the world.In general, "be yourself" means be true to your core identity rather than faking a different one because you think it will be attractive to others. But we can take it one step further and say that you should also try to the best "you" that you can be, being the ideal "yourself."

6. Be Positive

Image result for being positiveResearch is beginning to reveal that positive thinking is about much more than just being happy or displaying an upbeat attitude. ... The impact of positive thinking on your work, your health, and your life is being studied by people who are much smarter than me. The real obstacle to positivity is that our brains are hard-wired to look for and focus on threats. This survival mechanism served humankind well back when we were hunters and gatherers, living each day with the very real threat of being killed by someone or something in our immediate surroundings. Being positive shows that you are a good person. When there is a bad situation, you figure out how to deal with it and turn things around.

7. Be Humble

Image result for humbleA person or a place can be humble, but a person who brags about being humble, or not proud, may have too much pride in being "humble" to actually be humble. ... Truly humble people keep quiet about the good things they do and about their humble, or poor and simple, backgrounds. Humility is the quality of being humble and means putting the needs of another person before your own, and thinking of others before yourself. It also means not drawing attention to yourself, and it can mean acknowledging that you are not always right.having a feeling of insignificance, inferiority, subservience, etc.: In the presence of so many world-famous writers I felt very humble. 3. low in rank, importance, status, quality, etc.; lowly: of humble origin; a humble home

8. Be Still

Image result for be stillThe importance of being still is not just sitting there but to calm down and do things at your own pace. Take a break. Be still. Breathe. Stop constantly trying to do more, be more. Attempting to fill your schedule with things that you can put on your resume or that will make this life slightly more interesting. Constantly we are competing with the beings we were yesterday, trying to be better people today. We constantly forget the importance of being still. The importance of pressing pause from our hectic lives.In our urgency to get through our days we forget to take a step back, stop, and look around. We forget who we are, our goals, and our humanity. Perspective is lost and the main goal of life -- to be happy -- is so often abandoned.There are many things in this life to worry about and sometimes a break is necessary to take it all in. Trust me, nothing is more important than a moment to reflect and be alone with our thoughts.

9. Be Prayerful

These nine ways are things to make you happy and helps you make something of your life. These ways help you become a better person. This will make people like you more. Doing all these things will improve your attitude and life. These can bring up opportunities that may have not come if you had not done these.Being grateful shows that you are a very kind and reliable person.It is important to be smart because you can have knowledge that you might use in the future.I believe it is important to be involved because it shows that you are a caring person and love to get involved and do what other people do.Being clean does not mean having a clean body, it is about having a positive attitude and to think positively.It is important to be true because if you are true it shows that you are a honest and care giving person.The importance of being still is not just sitting there but to calm down and do things at your own pace.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Summer Activities

During my summer vacation I didn't really do much besides spend it with my family. The things we did were go to the beach, go to the movies,visit family that we have not seen in a long time, and go hiking. I really enjoyed going to the beach with my family because it is a chance for me to get away from reality. I can also tell that my family felt the same way too. Hiking was another great way for me to get away from the world. Going hiking is always fun because you get to see an amazing view and lose a couple pounds in the process. Another thing I did on my own time was be in my room either play video games or watch movies. To be quite honest this wasn't an interesting summer but it is one to remember.

Image result for hiking